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SANGHA AYURVEDA was founded by Keshari Das as an offering of gratitude and goodwill for her community. Sangha is a Sanskrit expression with spiritual connotation, often translated as confluence, union, or community.

Keshari's mission is to provide compassionate, integrous, and accessible service as an Ayurvedic Practitioner with a heart-centered approach to healing. She believes in the therapeutic power of Ayurveda with all her being, and she is dedicated to assisting others along this phenomenal path of practice.

Here Keshari is practicing her daily self-care routine, including pranayama: conscious breathing techniques that help balance body, mind and spirit.


AYURVEDA is a holistic medical system indigenous to ancient India. It is also a way of life, unconfined by culture, ever relevant today.

In Ayurvedic theory there are five elements - ether, air, fire, water, and earth - which make up everything. The five elements coalesce into three dosha known as vatapittaand kapha. These are vital forces of the body which characterize our unique constitutional type and influence our tendencies towards health and disease. By learning about the qualities of the five elements and three dosha, we start to see the fundamental nature of all that we experience. We gradually develop awareness that allows us to make life-enhancing choices according to our individual and dynamic needs.

Ayurveda encourages us to cooperate with Nature and its cycles. It clarifies the relationship between cause and effect. It helps us realize the interconnectedness of all matter and consciousness. It teaches us to take responsibility for our feelings, thoughts, emotions and actions. It assists us in being responsive rather than reactive. It reminds us to forgive perceived failures. It celebrates the diversities and commonalities of the human experience. It recognizes our innate capacity for contentment. It reinforces common sense.

When practiced with commitment and compassion, Ayurveda confers profound healing, for oneself and one's sangha.

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